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  • Dee Huynh

Engaging the Modern Learner: How Video Content Drives Student Enrolment

As we move deeper into 2024, schools are faced with the challenge of capturing the attention of a generation raised on digital content. Today’s students, often referred to as Generation Z, have grown up with the internet, smartphones, and social media at their fingertips. Traditional marketing methods—brochures, emails, static websites—are losing ground in an increasingly visual, fast-paced world. Schools looking to drive student enrolment must adapt to these changes by creating engaging, dynamic content that resonates with modern learners. And at the heart of this shift is video.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why video content is crucial for schools to engage the modern learner and drive student enrolment. We’ll discuss the current challenges in reaching today’s students and provide actionable strategies for leveraging video to communicate your school’s unique value.

The Challenge: Reaching and Engaging Gen Z

Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, is unlike any generation before. They are digital natives, and their consumption of information is heavily driven by visual media. They are drawn to platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, where video reigns supreme. Gen Z students are not only adept at filtering information quickly, but they also demand authenticity, relatability, and value from the content they consume. This poses a challenge for schools still relying on traditional enrolment marketing strategies.

Statistic: According to a 2023 report by The Australian, over 80% of Australian teens regularly consume video content online, with platforms like YouTube and TikTok leading the way.

Problem: How can schools cut through the noise to effectively reach and engage prospective students? With students increasingly tuning out traditional marketing, schools must adopt video-driven strategies that meet Gen Z where they are—online and on social media.

Why Video Content Resonates with Modern Learners

Video is the most powerful way to engage modern learners for several reasons:

  • Short Attention Spans: Gen Z has shorter attention spans than previous generations, making quick, engaging content more effective. A 2021 Microsoft study revealed that the average attention span is now just 8 seconds.

  • Visual Preference: Video content naturally appeals to visual learners, and many Gen Z students prefer watching short, informative videos over reading lengthy articles.

  • Authenticity: Modern learners value real, unfiltered stories. Video offers a platform to showcase authentic student experiences, highlighting what makes your school special from a genuine perspective.

  • Mobile-First Consumption: Video is optimised for mobile devices, and Gen Z spends a large portion of their time-consuming content on their smartphones. This makes video a perfect medium to reach them, especially when optimised for platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

5 Ways Video Content Can Drive Student Enrolment

1.Virtual School Tours: With travel still uncertain for many, particularly international students, virtual tours offer a way for prospective families to explore your campus from afar. This is especially powerful when you create a visually immersive experience, combining aerial footage, classroom views, and personal testimonials.

Actionable Step: Film a virtual campus tour that walks prospective students through your facilities, including classrooms, dormitories, and extracurricular spaces. Add interviews with students and teachers to give it a personal touch.

2. Highlight Student Success Stories: Gen Z is driven by success stories, particularly ones they can relate to. Video testimonials from current students or recent alumni provide social proof and show potential students what’s possible if they join your institution.

Actionable Step: Create a series of short videos featuring student success stories. Have students talk about their experiences, their growth, and how your school helped them achieve their goals. Distribute these videos across your website, social media, and newsletters.

Showcase Your Extracurricular Activities: For many students, academics aren’t the only deciding factor in choosing a school. Extracurricular activities like sports, music, clubs, and social events play a significant role in creating a well-rounded student experience. Video can capture the excitement, camaraderie, and opportunities available outside the classroom.

Actionable Step: Film highlights from sports games, drama productions, and other extracurricular events to show prospective students the vibrant life that exists beyond academics. Make sure these videos reflect the diversity of activities available.

3. Create Informational Explainer Videos: Many students (and their parents) have questions about academic programs, application processes, or campus life. Short explainer videos that break down complex information into digestible, easy-to-understand visuals are highly effective at keeping viewers engaged and informed.

Actionable Step: Develop a series of explainer videos about the admissions process, scholarship opportunities, or specific programs that set your school apart. Keep them concise, clear, and visually engaging.

4. Interactive Social Media Campaigns: Gen Z thrives on interaction and participation. Schools that engage with students on social media through challenges, Q&As, or interactive stories are more likely to capture their attention. Video content designed specifically for platforms like TikTok and Instagram, with their short-form video format, can go a long way in building excitement about your school.

Actionable Step: Launch a social media video campaign that encourages students to participate. For example, you could create a TikTok challenge where current students show off their favourite spots on campus or a day-in-the-life video series. Invite prospective students to submit their questions via Instagram Stories for real-time video responses.

The education sector is competitive. To stand out, schools must go beyond traditional marketing methods to capture the attention of Gen Z students. Video content offers an unparalleled way to engage modern learners, drive enrolment, and communicate your school’s value.

By leveraging video strategies tailored to your school’s unique strengths, you can showcase the experiences, success stories, and opportunities that make your institution stand out. ONIX Education specialises in helping schools connect with students through professional video content that resonates with the modern learner.

Ready to take your school’s video strategy to the next level? Book a free consultation with ONIX Education today and let us help you create video content that drives student enrolment and engagement.


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