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  • Dee Huynh

Navigating Digital Transformation: Why Schools Need a Video Strategy Now More Than Ever

As we move further into 2024, digital transformation continues to reshape the way schools operate, communicate, and engage with students. The rapid integration of technology into education has not only impacted how students learn but also how schools market themselves, attract prospective students, and connect with their communities. In this evolving digital landscape, video content is emerging as a critical component of a school’s marketing and communication strategy.

In this post, we’ll explore the pressing need for schools to embrace video as part of their digital transformation journey. We’ll look at the challenges schools face, how video addresses these challenges, and actionable steps schools can take to implement a video strategy that drives engagement and enrolment.

The Challenge: Schools Struggling to Keep Up with Digital Change

Schools are facing an urgent need to engage with students digitally, yet many struggle to implement effective, forward-thinking strategies that resonate with today’s learners.

The education sector, like many industries, is undergoing rapid digital transformation. From online learning platforms to virtual classrooms, schools are embracing technology to stay relevant and meet the needs of modern learners. However, many institutions are still grappling with how to effectively market themselves in this new digital age. Key challenges include:

  • Adapting to Changing Student Expectations: Today’s students, particularly Gen Z, are digital natives who consume vast amounts of content online. They expect high-quality, engaging video content as part of their learning and decision-making processes.

  • Intense Competition for Enrolment: As schools across Australia compete for student enrolment, standing out in a crowded market is becoming increasingly difficult. Schools need a digital presence that is not only informative but also compelling enough to capture attention quickly.

  • Communicating Value Effectively: With so many options available, students and their families are looking for schools that can communicate their unique value. Traditional marketing methods, like brochures and emails, often fail to make an emotional impact.

The Power of Video in Digital Transformation

According to a 2023 report by Inside Higher Ed, 93% of institutions that implemented video as part of their digital strategy saw an increase in student engagement. Video is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity for schools looking to compete and thrive in the digital age.

Video is quickly becoming the cornerstone of digital transformation in education. It offers schools a dynamic, engaging way to communicate their brand, showcase their culture, and connect with students on a deeper level. Here’s why video is a must-have in today’s educational landscape:

  • Engagement Across Platforms: Video is one of the most versatile content formats, easily shared across multiple platforms—from social media and websites to email campaigns and online ads. With students spending hours on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, schools can meet them where they are with engaging video content.

  • Visual Storytelling: Video allows schools to tell their story in a way that’s both captivating and authentic. Whether it’s showcasing campus life, sharing student testimonials, or highlighting key programs, video provides a rich, immersive experience that resonates with prospective students.

  • Instant Credibility and Emotional Impact: Video builds trust by giving a real, human face to your institution. Prospective students can see and hear directly from current students, teachers, and alumni, creating an emotional connection that other mediums struggle to achieve.

How Video Addresses Key Challenges in Education Marketing

1. Capturing Attention in a Crowded Digital Space

The sheer volume of digital content available today means schools are competing for the attention of prospective students not only with other educational institutions but also with social media influencers, brands, and entertainment platforms. To stand out, schools need to create content that is both informative and visually engaging.

Short, high-quality videos that highlight key aspects of your school—such as academic programs, extracurricular activities, or campus culture—can quickly capture attention and keep prospective students interested. With just a few seconds to make a first impression, video allows you to showcase your school’s strengths compellingly.

Actionable Step: Create a series of 30-60-second video teasers that highlight different aspects of your school. Post these across social media platforms to capture attention and drive traffic to your website.

2. Meeting the Expectations of Modern Learners

Today’s students are accustomed to consuming video content in every aspect of their lives—from entertainment to education. They expect schools to deliver information in a format that’s engaging, easy to digest, and accessible on demand. Static content, such as brochures or long-form text, no longer meets the needs of modern learners.

Incorporating video into your digital marketing strategy ensures that you’re speaking the same language as your prospective students. From explainer videos about admissions processes to interactive virtual campus tours, video allows you to deliver information in a format that students prefer.

Actionable Step: Invest in an interactive video platform that allows prospective students to explore your campus, meet faculty members, and learn about academic programs through a personalized virtual tour.

3. Building Trust and Emotional Connection

Choosing a school is a major decision, often involving both the student and their family. While facts and figures are important, the decision ultimately comes down to whether the student feels a connection with the institution. Video provides an opportunity to build that emotional connection by giving prospective students an inside look at life at your school.

Student testimonials, alumni success stories, and videos showcasing real campus life can help build trust and give prospective students a sense of belonging before they ever set foot on campus. Video content humanises your institution and allows students to see themselves as part of your community.

Actionable Step: Develop a series of student testimonial videos that highlight diverse voices and experiences. Share these across your website, social media, and email campaigns to build trust and inspire prospective students.

4. Standing Out in a Competitive Market

As competition for student enrolment increases, schools need to differentiate themselves by clearly communicating their unique value proposition. Video allows schools to do this in a way that’s both engaging and memorable.

Video content can showcase what makes your school unique—whether it’s your innovative curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, or commitment to diversity and inclusion. By highlighting these strengths through video, you can create a lasting impression that sets your school apart from the competition.

Actionable Step: Create a “Why Choose Us” video that highlights the top reasons students should consider your school. Include testimonials, footage of your facilities, and a call to action encouraging viewers to book a tour or attend an open house.

ONIX Education’s Approach to Digital Transformation Through Video

At ONIX Education, we understand that navigating digital transformation can be overwhelming for schools. That’s why we specialise in helping schools leverage the power of video to enhance their marketing strategies, boost student engagement, and drive enrolment.

Our Bespoke Visual Pedagogy Model provides schools with a step-by-step process for developing and implementing a comprehensive video strategy. We tailor our approach to the unique needs of your institution, ensuring that your video content aligns with your goals and resonates with your audience.

Here’s how we help schools navigate digital transformation through video:

1. Visual Strategy – Tailored to Your School’s NeedsWe start by understanding your school’s unique strengths and challenges, and then develop a video strategy that aligns with your goals. Whether you’re looking to boost domestic enrollment, attract international students, or improve student retention, we create a customized plan to meet your needs.

2. Creative Development – Bringing Your Story to LifeOur team works with you to develop engaging, visually compelling video content that tells your school’s story. From student testimonials to campus tours, we ensure that every video reflects the heart and soul of your institution.

3. Execution Excellence – High-Quality ProductionWith professional equipment and a team of experienced videographers, editors, and producers, ONIX Education delivers high-quality video content that reflects the professionalism and values of your school.

4. Ongoing Support – Optimizing for SuccessWe don’t just stop at video production. ONIX Education provides ongoing support to ensure that your video strategy continues to drive results. We analyze the performance of your videos, make adjustments as needed, and help you stay ahead of digital trends.

As schools navigate the ongoing digital transformation, video has emerged as one of the most powerful tools for engaging students, building trust, and standing out in a competitive market. By incorporating video into your school’s marketing and communication strategy, you can meet the needs of modern learners, capture attention, and create a lasting emotional connection with prospective students.

ONIX Education is here to help your school navigate this transformation with expert video production and strategy services tailored to the education sector. Our team is dedicated to creating video


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